Women in Leadership
A Conversation with Anat Gourji:

Senior Vice President & COO, Technology Group
Federal Reserve Bank of New York


Anat Gourji, ’96, is senior vice president and chief operating officer (COO) of the Technology Group at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Promoted to this position in January 2015, she is responsible for ensuring that the highest-quality services are delivered in support of the Bank’s strategic goals through directing, measuring, and evaluating its use of information technology. Previously, she had been vice president of governance since October 2013.

Ms. Gourji joined the Federal Reserve Bank in March 1997 as a programmer in the open systems customer-support division. After progressing through the programmer/engineer ranks, Ms. Gourji was promoted to automation officer in

July 2007 and assistant vice president in January 2009. In March 2009, the Automation Group was reorganized and Ms. Gourji assumed responsibility for national remote-access services in addition to her current responsibilities for enterprise search services, technical engineering, and computing services. She was promoted to vice president of Technical Engineering and Computer Services in January 2010.

Ms. Gourji earned her bachelor of science in computer science from Queens College in 1996. She started her career in the field of computer science for the Israeli army, managing the human-relations computer system.

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