Professor Lawrence Eisman Memorial


Lawrence Eisman, Prof. Emeritus of Music Education at the Aaron Copland School of Music passed away on Saturday, Feb. 27, 2021. Larry was a friend, a colleague and a mentor to countless music educators and musicians over many generations. He was the founding Director of CPSM for 29 years, (1981-2009) at which time Donald Pirone became the Director, followed by Lisa Maron and currently, Christopher Liccardo. The program is now named the Eisman Center for Preparatory Studies in Music and remains a thriving enterprise and a testament to Larry's vision. Saturdays and Sundays in the Music Building are a time of music making and "family" for countless students.

Larry was also a great friend to generations of faculty and students at ACSM and we're going to miss him. He was a master in the classroom, and an incredibly generous person. Prof. Eisman was also a graduate of Queens College (class of 1955), was a member of the full-time faculty for over 40 years and served as Chairman of the Music Faculty. The Music Education Program at Queens College owes a great debt to his work and the field of Music Education also benefited from his work on several textbook collections published by Silver Burdett. He was a curriculum Chair for the New York State School Music Association, served on the editorial board of the Music Educators National Conference, and educated multiple generations of Music educators through his teaching at Queens College.

In addition to this, Larry was also the Music Director and Conductor of the Queens College Choral Society for many years, reviving that group in the early 1980s.  At the first rehearsal he conducted; Larry had a dozen members. He quickly built the group to more than 100 singers, providing generations of students and community members with vital musical experiences, presenting major choral works season after season. When Larry retired from teaching, Prof. James John took over the Choral Society and it continues to thrive.

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