Richard Goldstein '73

At the 1973 Queens College Commencement, Richard Goldstein represented the senior class and graduated Summa Cum Laude with a degree in Economics. “QC gave me an unbelievable, totally affordable world-class education for which I will always be indebted,” says Richard, who went on to graduate from Harvard Law School. “Without QC I would never have been able to graduate from a four-year college and then professional school.” Today, Richard is the Chairman and CEO of AEP Capital LLC, a private equity firm which he co-founded.
Richard recalls his college years fondly. “Queens College embodies opportunity, excellence and dreams, providing a setting for its students (and faculty) to make their dreams come true,” he comments. “I had great teachers and mentors—Professors Ron Filante and Isaac Alteras come to mind. They were fantastic teachers and role models.”
Richard has been one of Queens College’s most supportive and active alumni. He was honored at the Queens College Gala in 2002, and has given generously to the event, QC’s biggest annual fundraiser, ever since. “Supporting QC is a natural,” he says without hesitation. “It is a classic case of giving back.” After serving on the Queens College Foundation Board of Trustees from 1991-2010, and in recognition of his many years of service, Richard remains an honorary member and Chairman Emeritus.
“When I was Chair of the QC Foundation, I remember vividly awarding a modest scholarship to a graduate student who thanked me profusely and said with this stipend she would attend graduate school full-time and would no longer have to work as a bagger at Waldbaums. I still tear up when I think of this conversation.”